16 Sep, 2024

Tim Love Shares How We All May Learn to Discover Truth in an Overwhelming Social Media World

Tim Love is the former Vice Chairman of Omnicom Group, and a man who has devoted a lifetime to loving advertising, marketing, and thinking differently.   When he saw storm clouds on the horizon of his chosen profession. he responded by questioning those with the greatest vision. The result is a new book entitled, Discovering Truth: How […]

6 mins read

Purpose and Profits– Does the Balance Shift with Economic Uncertainty?

IN A MARKETING WORLD where expressing brand purpose is now de riguer, The Internationalist asked its global audience if it is possible to balance purpose and profits amid economic uncertainty. In many ways, the survey answers were surprising. While respondents clearly had a strong understanding of the fundamentals of purpose-driven marketing, they were increasingly skeptical of not only “purpose washing,” […]

5 mins read

What’s on the Minds of Marketers 2023?

Marketers Shift Priorities to the Immediate and the Practical

TODAY’S MARKETERS face a long list of urgent priorities. However, this year, the order of those priorities is changing. And while the word of the moment at Davos was arguably “resilience” or more specifically “a CEO’s preparedness to build resilience and navigate the impending turbulence to create economic growth,” 83% of CMOs cite ECONOMIC CONSIDERATIONS as their leading current concern— particularly relating to new messaging and adjusted budgets. Whether or not we use the “r” word— that’s recession rather than resilience— marketers, as well as investors, understand that the global layoffs of thousands at social media platforms and AdTech firms are largely due to drops in advertising revenue (along with earlier over-hiring).

5 mins read

Pete Blackshaw, an “Urgent Optimist,” Sees the Convergence of Green and Gaming 

Pete Blackshaw operates at the heady nexus of marketing innovation, digital transformation, and entrepreneurial thinking. Throughout his career, Pete has been a marketer at Procter & Gamble and Nestle, an entrepreneur, a digital guru, an author, a data analyst, and a community service leader.  Much of his success is tied to how he often manages to […]

4 mins read