Tim Love Shares How We All May Learn to Discover Truth in an Overwhelming Social Media World
Tim Love is the former Vice Chairman of Omnicom Group, and a man who has devoted a lifetime to loving advertising, marketing, and thinking differently. When he saw storm clouds on the horizon of his chosen profession. he responded by questioning those with the greatest vision. The result is a new book entitled, Discovering Truth: How to Navigate Between Fact & Fiction in an Overwhelming Social Media World. The book grew out of a series of podcast interviews about the effects of social media with marketing executives, industry experts, academics, and well-known people throughout the world.
Discovering Truth is an insight-filled exploration of the role of media in communications and how today’s social media affects trust in institutions and divides an increasingly polarized society. From the rise of fake news to destabilizing foreign and domestic extremist content, more information does not necessarily lead to more facts. Discovering Truth also reveals how people have struggled throughout history in seeking and defining truth whenever new forms of communication influenced our values, culture, and the ways in which we receive and impart information.
In addition to the experiences of the author, Discovering Truth draws inspiration from business legends like Paul Polman– former CEO of Unilever, John Pepper– former Chairman of Procter & Gamble and The Walt Disney Company, and Keith Reinhard-Chairman Emeritus of DDB Worldwide, as well as contemporary leaders like Facebook’s Will Platt-Higgins, VP Global Clients, Stephan Loerke– CEO of WFA/World Federation of Advertisers, Wally Snyder– Executive Director of the Institute for Advertising Ethics, Harvard Business School Professor Jeffrey Rayport and Dr. Augustine Fou, Cybersecurity, Anti-Ad Fraud Consultant and also includes perspective on the subject of truth from renowned ethologist Jane Goodall, founder of the Jane Goodall Institute.
On another level, the book is quite remarkable as it is published in a hybrid format– a print product that also links to actual podcast interviews. This provides an interesting perspective on the author’s conclusions about truth as it enables the reader to also listen to the source material through a QR code link. While each chapter contains interview highlights, along with the author’s interpretations and comments, anyone wishing to delve deeper can revert to the original recorded conversations in their entirety.
Most importantly, the book offers ways to navigate the discovery of truth in a world where technology platforms instantaneously share and feed misinformation. This book could not be timelier, as it offers a path to a future where we all might better discern between fact and fiction… if we are willing to do the work, ask the right questions, and see more than one perspective.

To hear more from Tim Love about the lessons marketers learned in 2022 and the trends, challenges, and opportunities ahead, watch the video interview on Internationalist Marketing TV (IMTV) on YouTube by CLICKING HERE.
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In our conversation, we discuss the following:
- Each of your contributors had a unique perspective on truth and its discovery process … Would you tell us about some of the people who participated in the various chapters? And why you specifically choose them?
- Would you talk about how you ordered the chapters to create a flow among these various ideas? The progression of chapters works well in terms of constantly building on prior knowledge.
- What were some of the biggest surprises you encountered in both your conversations with well-known individuals and your own thought process in the journey to Discovering Truth?
- The book is in two parts—the Discovery of Truth in our Social Media World and your personal journey as someone who spent their entire career in marketing communications. What was the motivation for setting up the book this way?
- We’ve talked a lot about the misinformation on social media. What do you believe are the good aspects of social media? Or shall we all read the book to judge for ourselves?
- What would you like to see happen as a result of your work on Discovering Truth?
- Writing a book is always a daunting task as it is a process that often turns out differently than we first envisioned it. Plus, it can teach us a lot about ourselves along the way. What did you learn?
- What’s next for you, Tim Love?
To hear more from Tim Love about the lessons marketers learned in 2022 and the trends, challenges, and opportunities ahead, listen to the podcast as part of our Trendsetters Podcast series on iHeartRadio’s Spreaker.

Discovering Truth: How to Navigate Between Fact & Fiction in an Overwhelming Social Media World by Tim Love is published by Internationalist Press, the book publishing division of The Internationalist. Internationalist Press is an on-demand book publishing enterprise from The Internationalist, powered by global publisher INGRAM with 50 years in the book business and worldwide access to over 39,000 booksellers, online retailers, and libraries. Internationalist Press specializes in contemporary marketing thinking from around the world.
Tim Love is a former Vice-Chairman of Omnicom Group, the leading worldwide advertising and marketing services company and was raised in a household built on the rapidly growing television and radio sales and service in the 1950’s His 42-year career in the advertising industry provided extensive global brand-building experience with some of the world’s largest and most reputable advertisers: P&G, Nissan and Infiniti automobiles, PepsiCo, Unilever, Gillette, Mars, UBS, Kraft, Philips and Johnson & Johnson. His global focus for these clients caused him to live in Tokyo, Singapore, Brussels, and New York, obtaining first-hand experience with consumers in over 100 countries.
Tim Love has also taught at Oxford University’s Said School of Business on “Branding and Communication” and served on the faculty of the US Marketing Communications College, a pro-bono initiative at the Foreign Service Institute of the US State Department. He created the Pulitzer- nominated podcast series titled Tim Love’s Discovering Truth. Prior books by the author are Think Like The Sun, and The Book That Gets Better With Age.