27 Apr, 2024

Liz Kneebone Tells How Sustainable and Inclusive Marketing Practices Can Be Growth Drivers While Making a Positive Impact

If Liz Kneebone could make a wish for all marketers, it would be to make every day Earth Day. As Vice President of the Society and Sustainability Collective, launched by the ANA on Earth Day 2022, she recognizes that as sustainability becomes more common in marketing practices in the U.S. and around the globe, the […]

5 mins read

The WFA, with Kantar Research, Offers Imperatives on Marketers’ Role in Sustainable Actions.  Özlem Şentürk Explains…

The World Federation of Advertisers has been proactive in linking sustainability with marketing imperatives.  From the launch of their Planet Pledge to recent conversations about the Green Hush, the WFA continues to provide marketers worldwide with ways to consider climate action.   At their annual Global Marketer Week Conference in late April, they took another important step […]

5 mins read